Čo je to Wix?
Wix je jedným z najpopulárnejších nástrojov na vytváranie webových stránok. Na celom svete ho používa viac ako 180 miliónov ľudí.
Wix je populárny z dobrého dôvodu – Wix je priateľský a vhodný pre začiatočníkov a ľahko sa používa vďaka flexibilnému editoru. Môže sa použiť na vytváranie obchodných / osobných webových stránok, online obchodov a portfólií.
Takže ak vás zaujíma, ako vytvoriť webovú stránku pomocou Wix, ste na správnom mieste.

- Registrácia do Wix
- Výber typu webu, ktorý chcete vytvoriť
- Výber šablóny
- Prispôsobenie webstránky
- Optimalizácia webstránky pre mobilné zariadenia
- Vytváranie stránok (pages)
- Spustenie blogu
- Spustenie e-shopu
- Zoznámenie sa s hlavným panelom Wix
- Pridávanie funkcií prostredníctvom aplikácií
- Výber cenového plánu a spustenie vášho obchodu pre verejnosť
webnávod / wix
V tomto návode krok za krokom vám ukážeme každú časť procesu vytvárania webovej stránky Wix.

Combining search engine marketing with conversion rate optimization (CRO)
The secret to a successful SEM campaign is much more than just making your website appear on Google. Other SEM agencies in Singapore would just set your ads to appear on Google, and leave it there. These campaigns are not performing up to its optimal level.
The secret to achieving optimal SEM results lies in the ability to get as many people as possible to call/contact you after they click on your ad and land on your website. For example, your current SEM ads are getting 2% conversion rate on your landing page. That means out of 100 people that visit your page, 2 people contact you.
Real certified Google Ads professionals
Get a team of certified Google Adwords / SEM specialists who have a minimum of 2 years experience managing various SEM campaigns locally. We help you create the perfect combination of strategy and implementation to ensure we achieve your goals.

what you get
What is included in our paid search marketing services?
When you partner with Numerique, you’ll gain access to our full range of paid SEM services. These services are designed to optimize every facet of your paid advertising, including:
ad services
PPC audit services
One of the first things we’ll do for your business is provide you with a full PPC audit. In the audit, we’ll evaluate every significant element of your existing PPC campaign and compile a report of what’s working and what isn’t. The report will break down every aspect of your PPC strategy and determine what you could improve. In addition, we’ll offer recommendations on how to improve them. In fact, if your business has over four employees and spends more than $1000 per month on PPC, you qualify for a free PPC audit! Just get in touch with us to get started.
Remarketing services
At Numerique, we specialize in helping you harness the full potential of remarketing, particularly through platforms like Google Ads. With Google Ads, you gain the ability to track the traffic to specific pages on your website and deliver targeted ads to those users who have visited those pages. Our team is dedicated to assisting you in setting up the necessary tracking mechanisms and creating captivating remarketing ads that effectively capture the attention and interest of your target audience.
Geofencing ad services
Numerique is here to provide you with comprehensive support in harnessing the potential of geofencing, ensuring that your ad campaigns are optimized for maximum impact. Our team of experts will assist you in identifying the ideal outer limits for your geofences and seamlessly integrate them into your Google Ads strategy. Using this information, we will assist in setting up geofences that precisely align with your objectives, reaching the right people at the right time and maximizing the efficiency of your advertising efforts.
ad services
Social media ad services
While Google Ads is undoubtedly a powerful advertising platform, it’s important to recognize that there are various other avenues to effectively display ads and engage with your target audience. Social media platforms, in particular, offer compelling paid advertising options that shouldn’t be overlooked. With users spending approximately 28% of their Internet time on social media, these platforms present a fantastic opportunity to connect with your audience.
Creating Success
What makes our paid search management services so effective?
Match search intent at every touchpoint
Picking the right keywords will only get you so far. We understand how to match the search intent of your target keywords with ad copy, CTAs, and landing pages that turn clicks into ROI.
Experienced PPC management
How do you know what works if you’ve never gotten results before? Our paid search managers have years of experience managing successful campaigns in a variety of industries. And we have the happy clients to back it up.
Google Premier Partnership
Working with a Google Partner agency gives you a leg up. Not only are we certified in all types of Google advertising, but we also get access to direct support and other resources provided by Google. Your campaigns benefit directly from this exclusive insider knowledge.